WLA Resource Center


It is a central tenet of WLA's Mission to provide a secure, reliable and consistent Assessment environment. However, if you encounter any difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact us at support@wlarc.net or call 972-509-2930.
Incorrect Password: If you have registered for an Account at www.wlarc.net and you receive a "These credentials do not match our records." password error message when you try to log-in, please use our Forgot Password? reset feature found on the Log In page:
  1. Click on Forgot Password?
  2. Enter your email address on the "Reset Password" page and click SEND.
  3. You will receive a message "We have e-mailed your password reset link! Check your spam folder if you did not receive the reset password email. Please close this browser tab once you have successfully received the email."
  4. Once you have received the email, you will click on the link in the body of the email after the sentence "Click here to reset your password:".
  5. By clicking on the link, this will open a new tab in your browser for you to enter your email address and reset your password.
  6. Once you have reset your password, you will then continue the assessment process by entering the Company Code given to you on the instruction sheet.

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Bad Connection With Server

Please notify your contact to reassign the assessment.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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